Bloomy Vegetable patch for rodents and rabbits, 100g
An improved recipe, without bakery products, based only on natural ingredients in the form of dried vegetables. Complementary mixture which is a valuable source of natural vitamins, minerals and pectins. Its composition includes natural, best quality vegetables, such as beetroot and carrot, rich in carotenoids and vitamins: B1, B2, B6, C, E, H, K, PP as well as calcium, iron, copper and phosphorus. They have a positive effect on the amount of red blood cells in the blood and the body's immunity. Green beans are a valuable source of vegetable protein and numerous mineral salts. On the other hand, the presence of Jerusalem artichoke in the mixture reduces the blood glucose content, so it can also be successfully administered to degus. It can be given alone, added to basic food or mixed with hay.